Friday 1 March 2019

Rotterdam, The Modern City

It took me months to write about this city, not because I have nothing to say about this beautiful and modern city, but it really overwhelms me. Thinking about that this city becomes the most modern city in The Netherlands, like I have never thought that it becomes very modern because it had been bombed years ago. It amazed me, the fact that the city which had been bombed before becomes very modern, very unique, in which from the architecture, you could directly distinguish it and guess where it is, yes, the city of Rotterdam. The city where the famous Erasmus University is located. The city that is famous of their new colors and shades of architecture, yet this city did not lose their Dutch identity.

In some part of Rotterdam city, we can see clearly that everything is very modern, colorful, and new. But if you go to the center of the city, where you could see the uniqueness of the cube houses and their food market with the unique shape building are located, there it stands the strong church named Grote St. Laurenskerk. It tilts a bit, but it stands still throughout the bomb incidents.

Once you arrived in the Rotterdam Centraal (the station), you will see everything looks so different compared to another station. Then when you go out from the station, try to look around and see how each buildings stand tall and strong, very modern. In this city, you could see a lot of well-known companies such as Unilever, KPMG, and many more.

The first stop that I made is Cube House! They have a very unique of architectures, how they made the houses so colorful and unique. You can just walk around and see the surroundings, but if you want to take a look how the inside looks like, you can go to the museum and see the interiors and how everything is being organized inside the Cube Houses.
Cube Houses.
Not far away from the Cube Houses, you could see the unique upside-down-U-shape building. It is the Markethall, where the food stalls are there and you could choose whatever type of foods you would like to try. Plus, they have unique decorations right just inside. If you come inside the markethall, make sure that you look up and see the ceiling. Plus, see your surroundings, especially in the escalator, they made some timelines how Rotterdam changes in centuries.
 Right beside the Markethall, you could see the Ferris Wheel, where people queue in order to get the chance to take a ride and see Rotterdam in a higher perspective. Also, right behind the Ferris Wheel and beside the Markethall, there are a lot of stores they sell foods, books, souvenirs, and many more. Try to look for Pofferjes! It is one of the most popular Dutch foods hat you should try, and it is really worth to give a try!
Ferris Wheel.
 Lastly, pancakes! or the Dutch will say pannenkoeken! In order to eat pancakes, you need to search for Pannenkoekenhuis (or in English: Pancake House). I tried this pancake in the old pancake house in Barendrecht (around an hour from Rotterdam Centraal), and it is very delicious. It is an old pancake house, located in the Oude Maas (Old part of Barendrecht, where floods came so high; around the wall of the houses in that time). This pancake house has been there for more than 40 years, and they provide you a lot of range, either sweet or salty pancakes.
All in all, if you have more time in Rotterdam to spend on, you could try to visit Euromast (one of the most popular tower in Rotterdam), Old Harbour (if it is not closed), and Erasmus Burg (or known as Erasmus Bridge). I did not get the chance to visit everything yet. But I have seen Old Harbour in a glimpse when I climbed up to the Cube Houses, and Erasmus Burg from the further when I waited for my tram to come. Erasmus Burg is very pretty at night in my perspective. So, don't miss your chance to visit this beautiful and modern city!