Monday 4 June 2018

Singapore with Memories #MemorableSG❤

Continuing from my April's post talking about reunions and memories, here is my another destination.

We will never know how much we missed someone until we were separated from them.
We will never know how much someone is worth in our life until distance takes its role.
We will never know.

The greatest gratitude of meeting someone after a long time of being apart is still acting the same thing, being mature together, talk about silly, childish and and mature things together, but yet not getting awkward.

Yes, that is my point in every memorable meeting.
What is the used of meeting if both sides could not express anything, yet getting awkward towards each other?
What in the point of meeting, if no one gets excited?
There will always be something special in every meeting, and that's what I love the most.
The uniqueness of every individual, the special moments that we created, and the memories we tried to recall.

Honestly, I am tired of being separated by distances.
I am tired of being forgotten few months or years after I walked away from a place or city.
I never knew how someone is precious to me until I walked away.
And now I live in a life where I tried to cherish all the moments before another regrets are approaching me.
I was a coward, and I am until today.
I was afraid of distance, of losing memories, and being forgotten.
Now I am afraid of distance, but challenging it at once.
Not because I am no more afraid of the feeling of being forgotten,
but I would like to know how I am worth and precious for others.

It has been a long time for me and my primary friend, Clinton.
Yet time flies so fast, we were in the end of our university year now.
We are both far away from our hometown, Medan.
We are both pursuing our further studies in other people's city, and he is in other people's country.
I will be going even further though in upcoming months.

We were just an ordinary classmate, like me and other students in the class.
At least I got reasons why he is unforgettable for me - compared to others.
We might not have specific memories of each other, but I remember how he loves to joke around and turned my stiffness into laughter.
Even until the day we met again.

It's been a while since we knew each other.
It's been a while since we met each other.
It's been a while since we shared stories to each other.
It's been a while since we thought of each other.
It's been a while since we created moments for each other to remember.
Yes, it has been a while.
It has been a long time, but thankfully we don't forget each other.
At least, I don't.

We have been separated for 12 years and more. Unlike the others, we barely contacted each other. First, we did not have each other contacts. Second, we were just a typical primary and secondary school kids that were not informed clearly that internet could connect you with others that are separated into different islands. Instead, we used it for games and finding each other that are even close to us in distance wised. Third, I did not feel the timing was right that time.

I remembered clearly when the first time we had our personal talks. Exactly in the mid of 2014. When we both were busy in trying to find university to enter. That time, what I knew were only happiness. I have missed him and other friends since a long long time ago. (If you don't trust me, you could check my 2012's post, I mentioned about them. And I have missed them even long before I wrote an article about them.) Due to that enormous feeling of missing somebody, what I knew was only excitement! I hope these kind of moments will never fade between us. Since that time, we contacted each other through Instagram's direct messages. Shout out to Instagram for helping us to keep in touch! Especially in 2017 when we contact each other more frequent compared to many years before.

Since the early year of 2018, I have been persuading and influencing my parents to have a trip to Singapore. Not only for holiday and vacation, but also to meet my old friend. Because going back to Jakarta and Medan will never enough for me to fulfilling my checklist. So yeah, Singapore is one of my destination. Early April, my dad suddenly asked me, where I would like to go. I said "Singapore or Sumba, you choose." Surprisingly, he told me that he would love to go to Singapore rather than travelling in Sumba with my silly desire of travelling villages and rural areas. So, we planned on the trip right in that day. Here and there, but then my dad mentioned if I would like to ask my friend to join, it will be nice, rather than meeting just for dinner. So with a total excitement, we planned the trip together with my friend. I was so excited since that day. I was waiting for June to come earlier than it supposed to be. Even though I have known that it might make my days in Indonesia becomes less and lesser each day.
Singapore, with love.

And here it comes, June 2018.
I was super excited! Even days before the D-day I was impatiently waiting for the day I could run away from assignments and meeting this old fella. Cut the story short, I missed his birthday in the end of May. Lesson learnt: don't be too excited. I was too excited for the trip and I had bought him presents, but turned out on the D-day of his birthday, I forgot to wish him. Forgive my stupidity~
Finding a present for an old friend that you have not caught up in twelve years turned me crazy. I was thinking of a gift that suit him but could not find any, until I thought of comic characters, which is One Piece. I grabbed the present really quick, but after half an hour I returned back and changed the gift into Doraemon. Like what the f* I was thinking that time. Turns out he loved One Piece so damn much. *huft* *crying inside* But yeap, regretting will not change his present though, so I was trying to let go the thoughts of my stupidity.

Next, exactly in the first day of June.
We planned to go to Marina Barrage as our first destination, but turned out the bridge was closed for a while, so we went for a walk to the Gardens by the Bay. As what I always dreamed of, the paradise of flowers was waiting! The flowers were so beautiful and I am so amazed – even until now. The weather was so nice, cloudy and a bit windy – perfect for a walk and enjoying scenery.

Flower Dome in Gardens by the Bay.
June 1st, 2018.
First destination was Flower Dome in Gardens by the Bay. I was welcomed with this kind of view and I was so enchanted to view all the flowers inside. The combination of flowers and the colors were so perfect to me. Even though it was kind of hard for me to find a way to enjoy everything and took pictures of the beautiful flowers, the visit was really enjoyable! (plus the air conditioner was really on point and fresh, even though it was super crowded there.)

The beauty did not stop there, I managed to take several pictures of the flowers, starting from the usual daisy flowers until the flowers that I did not even know the names. They were all beautiful, and I could not help not posting them and sharing them to you.

The second destination of the day is Cloud Forest in Gardens by the Bay. We were welcomed by the waterfall right in the front door and the air was super refreshing. I did not manage to take any picture of the waterfall, but I managed to take some picture inside. Cloud Forest itself consists of seven floors and in some floors we could see the different ornaments and views.

After enjoying all the beautiful views, we decided to go for dinner since we have been so tired walking all the way (and we were really not used to it, except Clinton.) I had a really nice talk with him during the dinner time, catching up with many old stories that I missed and talking about here and there. When the sky was getting darker, we decided to take another walk to Skytree, Helix Bridge, and all the way to Marina Bay Sands. The first day was super tiring but also exciting, because my wish to meet my 12 years' apart friend is finally granted!

The second day was fully dedicated for culinary hunting around Bugis, China Town, and of course playing around Universal Studio!

My mom, sister, and me ft. Minions.
Universal Studio Singapore.
June 2nd, 2018.

Gru & Me.
Universal Studio Singapore.
June 2nd, 2018.

In Universal Studio, I spent around three hours with my family while waiting for Clinton to join, and then continue another three hours with him. The first three hours were for strolling around and checking here and there including taking pictures with some characters, and another three hours were for the super crazy attraction with crazy queues in it. Unfortunately, I could not meet Elmo from Sesame Street! At least I can still meet minions and Gru, and some other characters that I am not really into. But overall, it was great, especially the feelings after we rode the crazy attraction and made my heart pumped way-way-way faster than it supposed to. But thanks to the queue lines, we managed to share more stories during our time waiting in the queues.

Food wise, I did not have problem since what I tried was all Chinese cuisines, until I tried the Ma-La stall, which is super-duper spicy, I could not stand any longer but struggling in finishing my foods. (But the spicy chicken is freaking delicious oh my god I am in love!) My family and I have given up with the food for many many times, and on the other hand, Clinton is the only person who survive all the way from the beginning to the end without even feeling tortured. I was still feeling great and alright that day but then here the reaction came, on the morning when I would like to enjoy my breakfast before going back.

Thanks to our special and private tour guide, Clinton, we could enjoy our days in Singapore without getting lost. Thank you for the hospitality and patience to take care of me and my family. Of course, super big thanks for the willingness to accompany me. I am so grateful to announce that you have been participating in fulfilling my checklist!

I don't know it is only me, or the others feel the same, I feel like the time runs too fast. Even if the night comes later there, I feel like the time ticks absolutely fast. But even if the time changes very fast, I still consider this as one of my most memorable trip that I really need to be grateful of. If this short trip could be this memorable, why wouldn't us cherish these moments forever?

It is tough for me to bear the feeling after saying goodbye. For me, goodbye is not the hardest word to say, we are used to it since we are young. But goodbye is one of the hardest thing that gives me those complicated feeling that I could not sort it out. By saying goodbye means I am grateful enough that I am given the chance to meet someone, but on the other hand, it gives the pain of separation.

Is it wrong to wish for another chance to meet each other again? Ik miss je simpleweg.
You're right, Ton, I will never be disappointed of the beauty of the flowers in Gardens by the Bay, and I will never regret my decision of going to Singapore to visit those beautiful flowers as well as regretting the decision to be a friend of you, making you part of the stories of my life, and visiting you in Singapore.

Clinton and Me. ❣
Singapore, June 2018.

"Alles komnt goed."
In Netherlands it means "Everything will be fine."
Yes, everything will be fine and alright as long as I have supporting family and friends.
Of course, I have had them, and all I need is have them to stay with me forever.

Thank you for being part of my life, and letting me be part of the stories in your life.
Such an honor to announce that you are part of my gratitude list in 2018!
I will always remember these moments.
Of course, your journey from the west to the east, back and forth will always be remembered!

Singapore x Indonesia ♡❀ヅ❤♫

Dank u wel!
Even though our friendship will be dominated with 99.99% of long distance friendship, I hope that this kind of friendship will last.
Let's make another moments and stories that we could share towards each other in the future!

I was a bit shock with your voice when you first talked. I was always imagining you as my fourth grader friend that were still cute and chubby, with a child voice which is soft! lol. (Thankfully you are still chubby until now.)

I could not say that he remains the same after twelve years not meeting each other. Some part of him do change. But there is some part of him that remain the same. Whatever it is, whatever they are, I do really enjoy spending time and catching up with him. People do change, how could you expect someone to remain always the same for the entire years? If that happens, means they never learn for the entire years of living, right? As long as the changes are towards the positive sides, why do we have to disagree? Supports and guidance are all we need as a human being, and that is what friend is for, to exchange mind and thinking, ensure everything will be alright and if something out of plan happens, we have someone to help and support us!❤ and I am a proud friend ;)

Good luck with your summer job, final year modules, and final project. 加油!
Once again, thank you for making my life becomes much better.

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