Wednesday 19 March 2014

Studying in Australia is My Dream #essay

Studying in Australia is My Dream

Australia is the most preferred destinations for studying. Not only the students, even the parents prefer and decide to send their children to Australia for their studies. There are many reasons of people choosing Australia as their study destination. One of the most popular answers is the languages. Australian uses English as their daily language or their mother tongue, which make the tourists and the new comers from every continents and islands easier to communicate to each other. As we know, English is one of the most popular languages and English also crowned as the international language. Almost 700 millions of people in the world have the ability in using English as the foreign language.
Australia is known as third most popular international student destination, and 5 out of 20 best student cities in the world are in Australia. Australia’s universities have a high standard qualification, so that 7 of 100 best universities in the world are in Australia. Because of the high standard of qualifications, 2,500,000 international alumni of Australia institutions are making a difference around the world, including of the 15 Nobel Prices laureates achievements. Beside of the high standard of qualifications, the universities in Australia establish a corporative relationship between so many countries with the aim of giving the scholarship for those students who achieve lots of achievements in much kind of study areas, especially in academic areas.
The universities in Australia had received the recognitions from the worldwide because of their achievements in producing the students that are very productive and can compete in the whole world. That is the reason why the graduated students from the universities of Australia have more employment prospects and job opportunities around the world. Even if the students have not graduated yet from the universities, they still can work without changing the status of the visa – for those who come from abroad.
The cost of studying in Australia is also cheaper than studying in United Kingdom or United States of America, started from the cost of living, the cost of tuitions, and many more. One of the study programs that make the cost of studying in Australia much cheaper is the focused degree. It makes the students graduated a year faster that it supposes to be, so that the students can decrease their outcomes expanses.
Australia also provides the high class of living for the students with low costs. The society in Australia is also friendly and accept multicultural. More than 200 countries have immigrated to Australia. Australians don’t intimidate the outsiders but they make friends with every people. Even if the students or they meet people from outside their country, they still can blend and they can exchange the cultures among them.
Australia is the heaven of educations. Australia provides the facilities and infrastructures that really support the cities in Australia as the cities of educations. Besides, the programs, the scholarships, and the job opportunities really help the students in improving their lives prosperities.

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