Thursday 13 March 2014

Indonesian Folk Tales in Modern Technology #StoryTellingCompetition #SECON2014


One upon a time, in Sumatera Island, there lived an orphan man named Toba. He spent his daily life by fishing in the lake near his house and being a farmer. One day, he was so tired of his daily job. He wanted to find refreshment and do something different. So he decided to take a nap that day.
He slept peacefully. After an hour he slept in his old house, he suddenly awaked. “How could I dream of a beautiful girl that would be my wife? It was such a dream that will never come true!”, moaned Toba. He daydreamed, kept on thinking about his dream, and hoped that it would come true. “I even have never seen such a beautiful girl in this island. She was such a beautiful angel. Ugh~”, sighed Toba.
He stood up, took a bath, and tidied up his house. As he cleaned up his house, the thought of that beautiful girl was still in his mind. He couldn’t get that girl out of his mind. Her face, her beauty, her smile, and everything about her was still in his mind, exactly same.
“I think I am too tired these whole weeks, that’s why I dreamed something that was so impossible to happen.”, he said. After Toba cleaned up his house, he had a dinner, and went to the lake to fish again. He met his friends and had a simple conversation while pushing the boat to the lake.
“Hey Toba! Come here and see this! My new boat with gasoline and you don’t need to push it with all of your strength. I’ve just bought it this noon!”, shouted his friend.
“Wow! So amazing! How much does it cost? I would like to have one either. So I can have another job in the nights after I farmed.”
“You wouldn’t have enough money to buy this boat. You’re just such a poor fisherman.”
“Shut up! I’ll show you I won’t be a poor man anymore! I will have a harmonious family with a beautiful wife and handsome son, and of course, I’ll be rich! Wherever I go, there will be gold in my pocket!”
“HAHAHA!! I’m watching you dude! A man like you won’t be able to marry a beautiful woman! She is blind if there’s a beautiful girl that wants to be married by you, poor man!”
“Be careful of your words! I am not that poor! I will work harder and show you I won’t be poor anymore!”, shouted Toba angrily.
As he pushed his old and traditional boat to the lake, his friend was so busy with his new gadgets and said, “You even don’t have any smartphone, how could you know the latest trends and compete me. You are nothing, dude. How could you be so out of date? Even the poor people out there at least have mobile phones, but you? Ugh~”
Toba was so angry that night. He spent his night in the middle of the sea and fished. But unfortunately, he was not that lucky. After he spent more than two hours in the sea, he didn’t fish any fish. But he didn’t give up, he waited again, and luckily, his fishing hook suddenly swing.  The fish approached and he was so happy. But when he saw the fish, he realized that was only a toy fish that was broken. He was disappointed and decided to throw that broken toy back to the sea.
Surprisingly, he heard noisy sound and he was so frightened.
“Please, please don’t throw me away. I will fulfill what you demand me to. Please?”
And he turned his back, but no one. He looked to the right and left, but no one. It had been so late in the night.
“Who is talking to me? Where are you?”, he shouted afraid.
“I am the toy fish in your hand.”
He looked to the toy fish, “Wh..who..who are you? Wh..why you can speak? you a ghost?”
“don’t be afraid, kind man. Bring me back to your house and I will tell you. But promise me don’t tell about my identity to anyone else.”
“Umm..okay I will.”
He went back to the edge of the sea, and run home quickly. He entered his house, and closed the door.
“Now tell me who are the real you!”, Toba demanded.
“Put me into a piece of blanket, and you will see who I am.”
As he put that broken toy fish on a blanket, the broken toy fish become a beautiful girl, even the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
“The girl in my dream!”. He shouted shock.
“Yes, I am. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for saving my life, kind man. Now I will fulfill your demands. What do you want me to do?”
“Umm.. I actually don’t know what I am going to ask, but I want to be rich and get married to a kind woman soon.”
“Here you go. For the first demand, I will give you gold each day, and you can sell it.”
“Thank you, umm..sorry, What is your name?”
“Call me Jessica. And what’s yours?”
“Toba. By the way, you can sleep in my room tonight, I will sleep in the living room. Good night.”
“Thank you so much Toba.”
In the next day, when Toba woke up, he saw everything was prepared. The house was so tidy and the breakfast was so delicious. Toba tried to find Jessica and thanked her. And Jessica said that she would prepare everything for Toba everyday.  After few months passed, Toba purposed Jessica and they got married. But Jessica requested a demand to Toba before they got married, that Toba mustn’t told anyone, and if they had children, their children shouldn’t know who their mother were. Toba agreed and they got married. Everybody was so surprised that Toba’s life really changed in sudden. He got richer and richer. He married to a beautiful wife that even the richest man in his island couldn’t have. He lived happily and had a son, his name was Samosir.
Samosir was a kind son and loved playing games. His mom loved him so much, and whatever Samosir wanted to, Jessica would buy it for him. Different with Toba, Toba was kind of a decisive father. He wanted Samosir became an independent man that could live without his mother.
One day, Jessica asked Samosir to deliver a box of lunch for his father. But Samosir denied it. He was too serious with his gadgets and chatted to his crush. His mom told him that he was free to do anything, but after he delivered the lunch box to his father in the farm. With forced, Samosir stood up and took his new motorbike and went to his father farm. But he drove his motorbike while playing with his gadgets, and he fell. People in the street helped him, some of them went to Toba’s farm and told Toba. Toba was so angry when he knew the details of the story and mocked Samosir.
“Stupid child! Why did you play gadgets while driving motorbike? I’ve told you for hundred times!”, Toba mocked.
“I am not stupid, Dad! I’ve told mom to deliver it by herself, but she forced me to deliver it. I am busy with my job.”
“Job? You said job? You even can’t work. What job you are doing, huh? Chatting with your crush? You are only a son from a toy fish woman!”
“What? You said I am a son from a toy fish woman?”
Samosir was shocked and went home. He told his mom and Jessica was disappointed. Jessica told Samosir to go to the hills in the middle of the forest and never turned back to the island. Samosir listened to his mom’s advices and went there. Toba went home quickly and begged for a sorry. But it was too late. Jessica was mad and angry enough, Jessica cried and meditated. The storms, the lightning, and it rained heavily. After an hour, the entire island was full of water and it became a lake with a little island in the middle of it. The little island named Samosir Island, the hills where Samosir saw everything that happened that day. The lake was named as Lake Toba, and it killed many people because they were drowned by the promise that Toba broke.


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