Saturday 8 February 2014

Back to Jakarta

So.. a week ago I went back to Jakarta to have a Chinese New Year celebration with my small family. I took a 6 pm flight and it delayed until 9pm! OMG can you imagine how I felt that time? SO DISAPPOINTED. I waited for a long time to meet my family and I arrived home at 11.30 pm. It almost morning in the next day! errghhh 
As I got home, I hugged my mom, ate my bro's noodle, and bother my lil sister's sleep XD and then I put my bag and so on and have a super duper late dinner with my dad. After I had my dinner, I got into my bedroom - my old bedroom with tons of memories there, either with my family, friends, and so on. I was very excited that night. It feels like I really get back what I was missing of. Of course I didn't sleep directly that time, I spent my nights with sharing stories with my brother and my sister - we had a fun conversation that time and we laughed a lot. 
The next day, all of us got up late and we had a breakfast, continued sharing stories, watching TV together, and I did my HWs! -___- after having a lot of fun that day - except the HWs, my best friend suddenly came to my house! He was soooo unpredictable. Actually he had told me that he wanted to come to my house to visit me because it has been a long time we didn't met after I moved to Surabaya. I was excited and pleasant because he spent his time for me. We planned to have a simple conversation that night, but...unexpectedly, we spent more than an hour talking under a tree and laughed, did idiots and silly things, and you know, he hacked my phone and told one of my Surabaya's male friend that I was his girlfriend XD but in the end, he explained to my friend that it was a lie, and surprisingly, he asked my friend to take care of me and never let me down or sad. But to be honest, he was one of three of my bestfriends who know how to treat me when I'm down or sad. Even I think none of the other friends here could did that to me :'] 
And when we still had a great conversation, my cousin came to have a dinner together in the CNY eve. Fyi, she has just got married XD hohoho so my best friend decided to go home so he won't bother my time with my family. 
The next day, I thought my CNY celebration will be among my small family, but I was totally wrong! My cousin and her husband came again, and then my dad's buddies who are almost like a family for us, and my two cousins from Pekan Baru who moved to Jakarta because they want to have an education in Jakarta's university. But before they came, my family went to my grandparents' house. We really had a lot of fun there. After that, in the night, we went to a restaurant to have a dinner together and continue it with karaoke until midnight XD it was just a crazy nighhttt!
On the second day of CNY, we decided to go to my uncle's apartment in Jakarta to celebrate CNY together. We ate, we chatted, we laughed, and shared many things. After finished visiting my uncle's apartment, we decided to go to one of the biggest mall in south east asia near my house. At first, we spent hours in the book lounge to decide which books we were going to buy, and in the end, we bought many books XD after that we had a dinner in the food lounge in the mall.
On the third day of CNY, my house was so crowded. My other uncle with his 5 children, his wife, and my grandparents came to my house to have a lunch together, and not long after that, my seniors and junior from my old school came to my house to visit me, and my "far-uncle" came to my house either. Can you imagine how crowded it was? But I really had a lot of fun that day! >< After all of my friends, my family went home, my small family and I decided to go to a book store again, and we bought books again X) hohoho and you know, my bestfriend chatted me and told me that he wanted to visit me again that day, unfortunately I wasn't at home. Huhuhu~
And the forth day of CNY - this wasn't a CNY celebration anymore, this is what we called as absence - I visited my old school, I shared stories to the principal, to the teachers, and some of my friends. We hugged one another and have a lot of fun. I spent more than an hour to share stories with my chemist teacher. He is one of my best teacher I had ever had. And 5 minutes before 7 am that day was one of my best hurry-day ever. I ran through my other friend from another school, yeah my bestfriend that visited me that night, and we met and say goodbye and that's all. So simple. We didn't talk much that time and surprisingly, we still arranged schedule after he went back from school to meet once more before I went back to Surabaya. So I decided to visit my seniors and one of my female bestfriend at 1 pm until 1.30 pm, then I met him again. Many things that we did together, and I was very thankful that God gives me a miracle such as him, my seniors, my juniors, and my other besfriends who was really care about me. I love them. SOOOO MUCH.
And my time in Jakarta was over, I left my old school, arrived at home, took my bags and jacket, hugged my mom and sister, disturbed my brother, and went to the airport. 
I hope that I could go back to Jakarta again, cause I haven't meet all of my buddies and I still miss them until now. I even still hope that they were in my new school now. 

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