Saturday 1 February 2014

Why Winners Win?

When someone read the title, not everybody understand what I'm asking about, even people will think that my question is a stupid question. Some people will answer "The winners win because they are a winner." and that's not the answer I want to hear. And as I try to find the answer I enjoy this life and looking on people, analyze them to see when I will get the answer of my question. 
Ordinary people ask "Why do he win?" ; "How do you win?" ; "What does he win?" ; but I'm not that ordinary to ask an ordinary questions. Win and lose is kind of a probability results of our actions whether we've done it well or not. But today, when I hunt leadership books, I found a book that asked the same question as mine, "Why winners win?", as soon as I saw that book, I picked it up and read it quickly. I didn't read them all, but I skimmed. And you know what is the answer? The answer is about how we see something, how our mind conclude something, and how we achieve something.
Why Winners Win?
  • Because winner know that there's no failure. there's only a new beginning of something.
  • Winners grow happiness and success under their legs, where they step their feet. But failed people find happiness and success in the far far away place where it's hard to be reached.
  • Winners see thing that stuck their success as a sight when they are not focus on their main target, not as thing that make them fail.
  • Winners sure that the best way to solve problems is keep on trying and never give up.
Yeah I guess the answers get the point, but I still wanna find out what others answers to my question to make me more satisfied X) happy reading!

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