Friday 6 July 2012

Follow Me Maybe

"Hey, I've just met you and this is crazy, but here's my number. So call me maybe." - Call Me Maybe.
When you saw those words, you will imagine that someone had just met someone and they're interested to know more about them. Yeah, so do me. But I haven't met him. I even don't know how this person look like. But I'm interested on him. My friend, um actually my fake sis - bebek panggang or known as barbeque kwek-kwek, introduced him to me on July 5th, 2012. And how pity I am, I've just chatted once with him and it only for some hours - I think two hours. Perhaps that Gaby introduced us before the night, I thought I would chat longer with him. He's a kind, enjoyable, funny, multi-talented, cute, interesting and much more. But unfortunately, we chatted using Gaby's twitter account. Gosh, he doesn't wanna tell about his twitter account to me, even to Gaby! Pfftt~ he said that he will tell Gaby after Gaby has gone back to Jakarta. And how about me? He said that one day later he will tell me. By what? We don't have any place to chat beside using Gaby's twitter account. I hope that if he had told Gaby, he would like to allowed me to know too. And he would follow me back and um.. I can't imagine too much because it's too unlikely to happen. I surrender it to you God, help me please. I just wanna make friends with him o:) He said that he liked me - as a friend of course, and he'd like to know much about me more, but he didn't have time yesterday. I'm waiting for the other day. :')
Something makes me happy about him are, he said that I'm cute, kind, funny, and much more. And he can guest that I'm chinese by seeing my photos that were taken candid by Gaby! I even haven't seen the photos and Gaby showed it to him. This make me shy :$ but fortunately, Thanks God, he didn't give too much comment and said that I'm beautiful. Aww >.< 
"Hey, I've just known you. Here's my twitter account. So follow me maybe." - Follow Me Maybe by Vivi Darmalim :'D

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