Saturday 7 July 2012

MOS Preparation


Okay, I'm gonna tell you about my MOS Preparation. I'll have my MOS on July 16th, 2012. Before I go to school for MOS, I have to attend the meet and greet in my school. Parents shall come because if we don't come, we will miss many things about the things that we will have on the MOS day and when we are in school days. But before we attend the meet and greet at school, we are given the papers that contains things we must prepare for the MOS days, so we won't be really in hurry for the preparation before the D-Day. Thanks God, today I've done at least 80% for the preparation, including the clothes, bag, writing tools, and name tag. Unfortunately, I haven't bought any 1.5 liter water bottle and change the brand into "Minuman Segar" and my mom hasn't prepared for the food I gonna bring in the first day, so I've just done 80% of them. But it makes me feel better. I won't think much about it anymore and I just need to do simple things later.
I will have the meet and greet on July 14th, 2012 on 10 a.m. until 12 p.m.. On that day, I will get my books - the senior high one, yeah I've read some and do some of the exercises from my senior's books, and of course my Senior High uniform, I can't imagine how I will be when I wear the senior high uniform. Um.. I think at first I will look weird and my juniors will laugh on me - guest what, I'm short, and lots of my juniors are taller than me, even Gaby. Huft~ But I don't think it much, at least, I'm in my new grade, my new life. I'm gonna do something new and surprise everyone! But still in my own way :D 

This is my bag. Um.. unfortunately, I don't make it by myself. This is the bag that is made by a tailor. I just write my name and "Aku ini datang untuk belajar". So simple. I decided to make it by a tailor not because I can't sew, but because if I sew it by myself, it will be easily broken, and I have to make the new one. 

This is my name tag. I made it by myself, yeah, even it doesn't look so good, but at least I don't ask the other person to make it for me :p hahaha~ The words that are written there is :
Nama Lengkap :
Vivi Darmalim
Nama Panggilan :
Hobbies :
Nulis, baca, main HP
Cita-cita :
Motto :
Don't need to much talking without saying anything.

Yeah, those are some that I can share to you as my MOS Preparation. I hope that this year, the MOS will me great and teach me something new. Time to enjoy it :D God bless! :)

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