Thursday 12 July 2012

Life without poem

People think that making poem is hard, reading poem is weird, loving poem is useless. But there's also kind of people that love poem. They can make poem easily, read it properly, and love it much. Loving poem is great. Because you can get many things to learn. You learn how to feel, to imagine, to touch, to see the situation that is made by the writer. When you feel the poem, you will get the feeling of sad, cry, happy, etc. It's not so bad, is it? That's why I love poem. Actually, I'm not a good poem writer, but I love making poem, even if I don't write it in a piece of paper, but I write it on my mind, in my heart. Sometimes I spill my ideas on my blog, or on a piece of paper, but if I wrote it on my paper, unfortunately I threw it away -.-v hehehe~ That's my fault, I didn't collect them all, if my poems are great, I wanna be a poem writer and send it to a book publisher u,u - if I could.
Do you ever realized that this life is full of musics? Songs? and songs are all started from a poem. Without poem, there's no song, without song, there's no music. So, can you imagine how weird this life without poem. Poem doesn't have to be so complicated. Poem doesn't need a hard word to describe. Starting from a simple word, a simple meaning, and try to write it using feelings, not mind. If you can't feel the poem you've made, how could you ask your readers to feel the poem you've made? So, started from heart. Write with heart, feel it, ignore the hard words, enjoy writing, you don't need to think people arguments, opinions, and the others. Think about your feelings. 
This world is great with poem, just check the old songs and find out the lyrics. Almost all of the lyrics are using poem language. By the time goes, most of these songs telling us about a sad feelings, broken hearted and much more. Less of them using a great poem, but we can still call them poem. They use the simple form of poem, so it's easier for us to memorize the lyrics of the songs.
Some people love poems with simple words than the complicated one. Why? Because they can feel it easily, they can know what you wanna express, what you wanna say. They can feel the poem deeper than what you feel. The simpler you make the easier your reader can understand. But how to make the poem looks prettier? Make the ending sounds same. A-A-A-A or A-B-A-B or A-A-B-B. You just need to make them similar, so your poem can looks prettier, and don't forget to make an interesting title to make people interest to read your poem.

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