Monday 9 July 2012

Holiday Exercises

In the beginning of July, I've been thinking that I haven't done any physical exercise and I'm gonna get fat soon. Oh no! I don't wanna get fat, even just a kilogram. Being slim and thin is better than fat, you can buy any clothes or dress you want. So I decided to have some exercises. At first, I thought that I wanna go for a morning walk everyday or noon walk every 4 p.m.. But in the end I'm too lazy for it. And than I decided to play skipping in the back side of my house. I think it will be better because I don't have to be shy because I must jump all the time in front of everyone include my neighbors. But unfortunately, I'm lazy (again). 
Day by day I passed by eating, playing, sleeping, watching, and hanging out to my friends house. Things went worse when my dad went back to Jakarta and he said that I'm getting slimmer so he asked me to eat more and more. In the end, I feel that I'm getting fatter D: rawrhhhh~ D: So I decided to take some exercises.
Yesterday, July 8th, 2012. I took skipping as my physical exercise. This was the first time I had my exercise in the holiday I think. The cholesterol had been in my body for a long time since I had my first holiday in the end of April. But unfortunately, my legs got hurt because I haven't taken any exercises for a long long time. I even can't walk properly. It annoys me much. But I just can accept it, at least it reminds me to always have an exercise even it's a holiday. 
Yeah, that's what I can share to you guys. Remember to take an exercise, even it's once a month or at least every two weeks. So the same thing won't happen to you. I gotta go for a skipping first. See you later with another stories and information! See ya! {}

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