Tuesday 3 July 2012

New Month \(^o^)/

Wow.. This has been third of July and I haven't posted any articles in these couple weeks, and now, I'll post some today. Started from a topic. New month on this July. Yeah, this will be the beginning month of school, and I haven't prepared much about it. I've just prepared for the writing tools and the bags. I even haven't prepared for the MOS name tag. I'll be so busy this week, but it won't be so hard because my MOS bag will be done in these three days by the tailor - my mom is so great, she gives me idea to ask the tailor to make a bag for me, so I don't have to waste my time on bag, and I can do the other things. And the other things that I've prepared is studying a lil bit about the senior high maths. The first unit isn't so hard but um.. I can't finish all of them, I got stuck and it made me lazy, so I decided to stop after being hours in front of books. I've read some parts of senior high books but not completely cause my so lazy to read them all, I just borrowed some books from my senior, and the most useful book is maths. I like it much and then I learn much about it, even I get problems in solving the questions u,u. Perhaps I could get more diligent than now, I'm sure I would like to study for more than two hours without phone but still, with musics :b 
In only less than two weeks, I will back to school and having a orientation with my friends, new friends and old friends, I hope that they are all kind and friendly. I hate an arrogant person, and of course a jealousy person. Just be yourselves, don't be a kind of person that is easy to get jealous and than you become an arrogant person, it will only make you get a distance with someone else.
Okay, let's prepare for the MOS and give some surprise to your friends and teacher. Show that you can give the best even aren't the best. :D

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