Friday 13 July 2012


In this holiday, I've done lots of things. From the boring one to the interesting one. And you know what? Today, my sister and I made something. We can called it "gantungan kunci" in Indonesia. I don't know the English, and even the result aren't so good, but these are our handmade, and we gonna prove our intelligent in sewing. 
These are the thing we need :

1.  Strings
We need a longer strings to sew easily and without any disturbances.

2. Needle
We just need a needle to sew. Why? Because if we used more than a needle, I couldn't imagine how you will sew. :b

3. Pens or pencils

We need these stuffs to draw a picture or the pattern that we wanna have. You may draw as big as you want and it's up to you.

4. Hanger - umm.. actually gantungan kunci
We use this to hang the pattern that we've made and we've sewed.

5. Flannelette (Kain Flanel)
This is the fabric that we use to draw the pattern. We have lots of colors you may choose what you want.


6. Scissors
We use this to cut the pattern on the flannelette. and don't forget the cotton. I haven't take a picture on it -.-v

7. This is the result! We've done it. But before you are so happy. I'll explain how to make it.

How to make it :
  • First of all, prepare all the stuffs we need.
  • Secondly, draw the pattern on the flannelette.
  • Third,  cut the pattern.
  • Forth, sew the pattern.
  • Fifth, put the cotton on it.
  • Sixth, sew all over it.
  • Seventh, sew the hanger on the place you wanna sew on the pattern.
  • Eighth,  you've done it all! :D

Try it at home! God bless :D


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