Tuesday 3 July 2012

Moving School

Hey guys! Long time no see~ 
I don't remember when was the last time my dad came back to Jakarta, but I still remember the special moments with him. He went back here on last month, yeah, on June, and th an he brought some snacks from Surabaya, and we had some great moments together. We chatted much, we shared some information, and absolutely I thank God he didn't get mad of me even my NEM wasn't so good. He just reminded me and my brother of course my lil sis to study hard, even harder than before because we will move to a better school next year. Yeah, better school. Guest what, my parents decided to send me and my bro and sis to Petra! A famous and great school in Surabaya, I've been dreaming of that school since I was still in the beginning of 9th grade, when my parents said  that we would move to Surabaya when I past my national exams but then it had been cancelled. I don't care about it anymore, because I WILL MOVE SOON! yeah soon! Next year! and I'm waiting for it. I don't like my surroundings now because my friends' attitude don't make me really happy and feel comfort there, and of course the juniors, my juniors are so rude, they can't stop saying the rude words. I hate impolite person, and we can say that my school get much populations of the rude people. But I also get my best friends there. Of course they aren't rude and I LOVE THEM MUCH. VERY MUCH. AND I DON'T WANNA LEAVE THEM. But I can say nothing, I prefer moving to other place that is better than mine now, because my future is in there, not here. So, I can't wait for next here, I can't keep staying here, in the place that I don't want to. 
On December or next January I'll go to Surabaya soon to do the test, but things that make me don't sure that I'll pass are, the subjects that I must have to be tested are Sciences, Maths, English, and Social. SO-CI-AL. This six alphabets make me stress much, I don't like social subjects and I don't enjoy learning it. So I must struggle much to pass that test. and the other problem is, there will be an interview test. Can't you imagine that? I never have an interview test before except my junior high scholarship interview test, and the interview test is so easy I think but yet make me nervous. The other reason why I'm afraid of that interview test is, one of my friend who decided to continue his school in Jogja didn't pass the interview test! Hey! That makes me afraid, he is a kind of generous, clever, smart, and get lots of intelligent, how come he didn't pass? How about me who don't have much intelligent? I can play any music instruments, even drawing, or being an athlete. I got no intelligent except verbal intelligent. Pfftt~ I hope that I can pass my tests there. Pray for me! :D

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