Sunday 17 June 2018

The Girl Who Finally Learns to Love

Who cares about introvert and extroverts?
People have their own insecurities, anxieties, and no matter who or what type of person they are.
And yes, here is a life of a little girl, who has been living and dealing with her insecurities and anxieties in her life.

Is it wrong to hardly trust people?
Is it wrong to ensure someone you love and you care is alright?
Is it wrong to treat someone special and make sure that someone is worthy for you?
Is it even wrong to remind them how much you love them, again and again?
No, it is not, darling.

Is it that hard to love someone as a friend, not a lover?
Is it that hard to love someone sincerely?
Is it hard to just ask how they are doing?
Is it that hard for you to type a message ensuring someone is alright?
Is it hard for you to spare someone time to listen to her stories?
Is it hard for you to make sure that people who loves you know that you love them back?
   or if you don't, let her know.
   Don't let her gives you loves that you don't even deserve.
Is it hard for you to spare some time to make the first move?
   To just let her know that there is someone who will be there,
   even when she doesn't say a thing.
   A simple act that mean a lot for her.

She is that typical of girl,
   who gives her time for people she loves without demanding others to give theirs.
She is that kind of girl,
   who hopes that there will be someone who ask how she is doing.
She is that type of girl,
   who rarely tell others if she needs their presence in her life,
   just because she is afraid that people will pity her,
   that people spare their time insincerely.

Yes, it is her,
   the girl I am talking about this whole time.
And until today,
   she pretends like everything is perfect and just right for her.
No one has ever expected that she will have those anxieties and insecurities.
   Because no one understand how her past has made her today.
She has not lost herself in the middle of nowhere, but
   she doesn't know who is her best friend.
   she doesn't know who to trust and share stories with.
   she doesn't even know how her life will change once she left her presences.
But after all, she finally learns, she finally knows,
   how to love without asking to be loved back,
   to love without expecting too much from others,
   to love sincerely.

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