Wednesday 15 August 2018

Six-weeks in Bali

People said, “Life in Bali is so much fun.”
“You can have holiday anytime you want.”
People said, “Life in Bali is so much fun.”
“You can come and go without doubting how.”
People said, “Life in Bali is so much fun.”
“You can enjoy life even you are dumped.”
People said, “Life in Bali is so much fun.”
“Society won’t judge even you are sucks.”
People said, “Life in Bali is so much fun.”
I said, “It would not be fun without your love ones.”

Well, my journey in Bali for 6 weeks come to an end.
I have never expected that I will cherish all my time in Bali.  From the co-workers to the environment. I thought my life would be super boring because I would be all alone by myself and I had no one I know. But miracles come to me.

One thing I kept being grateful of despite of being far away from my love ones, the one I used to spend my time with me, is my fellow trainees. Through many ups and downs, we went through it with laughter and silly stories of each of us. Through many unluckiness I had in life, I still have them as my lucky charms and happy pills. And I am so grateful that they still stick with me until the end of my Training Period. Special shout outs to my Mercare Squad!

I really would like to thank them for making my training experience become so unforgettable and become less tiring. Thanks for all the silly jokes during the break time and after work!

The next thing I would like to highlight in my training experience is my Accounting Department. In the middle of the business in the office, we still managed to have some fun making fun of each others and put on pranks on one and another. Despite our differences in ages, we still have lots of memories to cherish!

Last but not the least, my guardian angels that helped me a lot through my stay in Bali. Thank you so much for always trying to be there for me and help me nights and days no matter what time it is. Super grateful to know two of you since my first day of stay and really sorry if I made your life become so troublesome~ Thanks for transforming from strangers to friends and now to brother and sister to me! See you soon in another chance!

In the end, there will always good bye(s) after another hi(s). But I am so thankful that at least I have the chance to know each of them during the short period of my training experience in Bali. I might not always be the best version of myself but they always stick with me in every versions of me, especially my just-woke-up face lol

Thank you guys for making my 6-weeks so meaningful that I have never imagined that I will cry leaving each of you! See you on another chance!

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