Friday 27 January 2012

Love Story

My journey has stopped
When I found you
My heart stuck on you
And I couldn't move

My life looked happier
When you were beside me
My life was full of smile
When you were still be with me

But suddenly you went away
Far from me
Leave me alone
Without you and your love

No matter how far you go
No matter how you forget me
I still walk alone
Without anyone beside me

I am so lonely
Walking in this way
I am so tired
Running through this life

I miss the old you
I miss the time we walked together
You held my hand
With your love and smile

And now ..
It has gone away
It has disappeared from my life
I cry, I keep day dreaming, thinking about the past

I always thinking of you
Hopping that you will back
But that's only a dream
That won't come true

I remember your promises
To be always be with me
I thought it will happen
But now I'm sure it won't, cuz it's only words

I try to look forward
And forget the pain
I try to smile
But it's only a fake smile

Oh God ..
Help me to forget him
I'm too tired of crying
I'm too weak for falling in love
And I probably won't fall in love anymore
Till I find the right time to love and to be loved

With Lots of Love,
Vivi Darmalim

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