Monday 19 May 2014

Letter to God

Dear God,
I might be the person who is full of sins. I may not be a great daughter for my parents, good siblings for my brother and sister, or understanding people for my friends. But one thing I really want You to make it comes true. You know me completely in every details. You know me and my every moves. You know me and what is in my thoughts. My every steps, my every moves. You always in my side.
One thing I am asking for. Please don't separate me from my best friend. I love him more than I can describe. He is the one who understand me more than anyone else. He is the one who knows how to cheer me up when I am down. He is the one who know how to treat me more than anyone else can do. He is like my elder brother. I am afraid of losing again and again. You know God, I had travelled cities to cities. Leaving memories in each place. Leaving my bestfriend in each cities. Leaving the laughters and tears over there. Why couldn't I leave laughthers without tears in there? Why couldn't I leave memories that everybody could always remember them and after they thought about those memories, those memories would remind them of me? 
My love to my best friend isn't big. It's just a million pieces of love that impact me soooo much. I just can't imagine how my life could be without the presence of my best friend. I'd rather being opnamed in the hospital than live healthily without my best friend. I had ever lost some of my best friend, and I don't wanna lose them again for the several times. If I could stop the time, I'd do it. I wish I could. But the fact is I couldn't. I don't have the ability to stop it.
I still remember how we met, how you make me smile, the way you laugh at me because of my silliness, the day when we met for the last time. Every efforts we made to meet again before those separations really come amongs us. 
Once again I beg, I really beg. Don't separate us. He really is meaningful to me. 
Thankyou God. That is all my prayer for my friendships. I hope You can fulfil it, for me. :')

"We may not be together. But one thing that I am sure of, we will be best friend forever." - Surprise - Drifting Hearts.

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