Friday 6 April 2018

Small Reunions, Huge Memories.

Meeting old friends will always be the nicest thing in the world that you could ever ask for. Living apart for years from them, and finally meet them again in a occasion. You will have a lot of stories to shares with them, and vice versa. You might see them change, either for a good reason or not. You might see them become a different person, you might be impressed, or worst case, - you might even be disappointed.

Have a simple reunion to meet them again and listen to their stories have been there in my checklist since 2017. Especially when I am admitted to go to the Netherlands to pursue my further education there, ticking my checklist is one of my priority. Visit Medan to meet my primary school friends, visiting Jakarta to meet my Junior High and Senior High friends, spend more time in Surabaya with my Senior High and college friends, and of course, with family.

I have been living apart from my primary friends for twelve years. I barely meet them, almost never, and only get the chance to meet few of them. Honestly, I started to forget some of them, those I rarely see on social medias, and those I barely contact with. Living apart for thousands kilometers away are hard enough for me, who dreamed to go back soon every year. But then, last year, in 2017, I got the chance to go back, but I did not get the chance to meet them. Fortunately, this year, in 2018, I got the chance twice. Happily I could get the chance to have that simple yet memorable reunion. Silly, funny, tiring, but then I still feel like it was not enough, I need more time for that. I miss their stories, their laughter, and many others that I missed when I left back then in 2006. Here are some pictures of us.
SD Sutomo 1 Angkatan 47
Friday, 16 March 2018.
Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia.
Left to Right:
Steven - Annie - William - Me - Tommy

These are friends who sent me back to airport before I went back to Surabaya.
Sunday, April 1st, 2018.

Left to Right:
Tommy - Me - Lucinda - Christy
The survivors of the heavy rain on March 30th, 2018.

Not only primary school friends, but also my Boys' Brigade friend, in which is also my "sister" and also "grandma" since we called her Ama (Hokkien term form Grandma) because of her hospitality, maturity, and kindness. I was so glad that I got the chance to meet her, since I have moved to Surabaya, she never visits me *hiks*
Portrait of me and Jennifer Wu.
Friday, March 16th, 2018.

My journey did not stop there. Before I got the chance to visit Medan in March, I got the chance to visit my friends in Jakarta. Lots are coming, lots of stories, and lots of silliness we made.

My little sister, Gabriella, known as Ayam.
My juniors.
My seniors.
Monica Puspita.
My closest friend.

SMP-SMA Candle Tree School Batch 6.
January, 2018.
South Tangerang, Indonesia.

I guessed it is unfair to just tell stories about me visiting old friends. So here it is, the miraculous Derrin visiting me far from Aceh right before 2017 ends, which really made my day!
Derrin Tay and Me.
December 31st, 2017.
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.
Life has been so great these days for me, because I got the chances to tick my checklists one by one right before I go anywhere further and continue this unbelievable long distance relationships with my friends. Right after this, there will be more and more places and friends that I need to visit and have a small reunions, small talks, with crazy laughter and silliness. I hope this friendship could last long and can be cherished each and every moments.

Next destinations: Singapore! Guess who I will meet! :b Can't wait!! >.<
PS: for those who I have not be able to visit yet, I apologize for that, I hope one day I'll get the chance and I hope you'll try to visit me either!

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