Sunday 15 October 2017


Yes, it has been a long long time after my last post. So, here I am again after my exam weeks, full college time, and many preparations ahead. But, so what? Everyone needs a break, and so do I.
I have been taking a break for two days, yeah. I spoke less to people, did less conversation, spending my time alone (or with family). I don't know what mood I was on and I am on. But I'm back to my favourite journal, this blog!

Who cares what people have been thinking of you since the day you've gone?
Some people are left with memories.
But some people forget you like a dust.
There is also some people who replace your positions and succeed.
But some failed.

I bumped into an old song, titled "小幸运". It comes from a movie titled, "我的少女時代".
This song is freakingly related to me, how it took away my heart the first time I listened to it and I kept on listening to this song for months, and still not get bored.
I felt how hard it is to see someone you love, someone you care, or you once loved and you once cared to be far away from you. When technology was not as advanced as nowadays, how could you even reached them? Be grateful if you never be separated from the ones you love and care! Be grateful if you have separated and you live in the world of technology since you were young! At least you are way luckier than me!

Life is not that easy to go on when you do not know precisely, exactly, what is going on them. You felt the worries, you tried to find out, but what you got is nil - nothing.
Then after years, you finally forgot about them. (By 'years' I meant, at least a decade? Haha!)
Then you started to remember and to be reminded of them, of the pretty memories you used to spend with them.
It feels great when you could bump into them again. But the left over memories after they left you come back to you and, again, they make your life even tougher.
And maybe it's your time to take a break, reflecting on your memories, and reflecting on your present time.
Because we couldn't buy time or even use money to create memories.
If you messed up with your past time and created past memories, don't let yourself ruin your future memories you're going to remember. Don't regret the same thing for more than once.


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