Tuesday 1 May 2018


What is the difference?

Well, for me:
Being alone is a choice.
Being lonely is part of insecurity.

Sometimes we need to be alone to reflect something.
To reflect what we have been through, and what we will do next.
Sometimes, we call it, 'me time'.
It is a time when you can enjoy yourself being you,
doing what we would like to do,
enjoying and relaxing ourselves -- after a long day.

It is just our feelings.
Too complex to explain -- because not everyone will understand.
But sure, they have been through it.
Too ambiguous to be perceived -- everyone experienced it differently.
But sure, they have ever been through it.
Too uncertain -- no one could predict when it will come.
But sure, there is a day when you just feel it.
Yeah, the feeling is too volatile.
But sure, it does not feel right.

It happens when you are surrounded by lots of people,
yet feeling so uncomfortable.
It happens just like that, giving a pair of ears to listen,
but none to listen to yours.
It happens that way, giving a heart to worry about,
but none cares about you.
It happens unconsciously, a pair of shoulders to lean on,
arms to warm others, teardrops falling.
It is just like that.
Yet, no one understood.
No one speaks up to just simply asked about your bad day.
No one pats on your shoulder, simply said that
you're going to be okay because they will be there for you. 
None. No one. Nobody.

For those people out there,
fill your time with something else rather than feeling lonely.
You'll be alright, you'll be okay. Trust me.
I have been through those times, and I am still alright.

Everything is going to be alright, darling.
You are a great people, you feel lonely because you don't want to bother them.
You are a good person. It happens simply because you don't want to disturb them.
You are great. You are good. You are doing well. Nothing is wrong with that.
Chin up, head up, and smile, baby!

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