Saturday 28 September 2013

The first one or the second one?

People said if we loved two person in the same time we must choose the second one. Why? The reason is so simple. Because if we do really love the first person, we won't fall for the second one. careful!
As a teenagers especially, we often can't differentiate love and attracted or interested. So before we decide to leave the first person for the second one, think and feel.
Think what are happening or what have happened. Find out the reason why we could fall for the second person. Everything happens just with a reason. There's nothing happen as they want to.
Teenagers are easy to fall to a romantic guy, cute girl, pretty lady, or talented guys.
But me, especially as a teenagers don't really agree with those things. A guy told me 'love isn't about height, weight, or any else. But depends on heart.' I do agree with this statement because even we know that person isn't good enough for us, we still love him/her.
Love is something that you can't describe it as well. But with love you know what is happy, how is the feeling of happy, feelings of sad, disappointed, and such other complicated feelings that teenagers usually have.
Things that make us fall for others are usually the cares and how they treat us better than the first. But we must realized that everyone has their own way. Everyone has their specialties and everyone has their own needs. Not all of us like to be treated too cares and none of us like to be treated bad. But something unique make we fall. I dont know if people have the different opinions, but me, i think that the wiser a guy is the better he is. The more diligent, the more honest, the smarter they are the better they looks. I don't care if they aren't handsome. But I care if he has the ability of leading people and has the ability of managing his duties.
You know, I do confused of choosing with whom i fall.

Dont think it too much. I'm still complicated with this stuffs :'3 perhaps i could choose the best one.

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