Tuesday 14 October 2014


It is like dreaming a great life, a great future, a miraculous thing, that will never happen.
Things aren't running well as what we expected.
Future is an unpredictable thing that keep going without endings.
And that's why I keep on daydreaming.
Keep thinking for a better future.
Keep imagining beautiful thing that is unlikely to happen.
Girls are like princesses who live in a candy land.
We love fairy tales.
We love being taken to a romantic places with romantic things.
We love a romantic man.
We love the one who truly loves us.
"Will you marry me?", maybe is the prettiest sentences in the world.
"I will marry you one day.", is the best promise a man could make.
"I am totally serious in this relationship. I am not going to play with love. I am the one who will marry you. The one who will give you a ring and put it on your fingers one day. The one who will call you as my wife. The one who will live with you forever. The one who will help you to take care of our children one day. Until we get old and death separate us. Because nothing in this world which is stronger than our love that have the strengths to separate us."
Such a beautiful thing I could ever imagine. Perhaps a man will say that sweet words to me, prove it true, and have such a great life as what I keep on imagining. Even though it seems like just a fairy tale, just a dream, just an imaginary, I hope one day it comes true. Because dream of a beautiful life is like dreaming of a great career, so I am sure it is likely to happen one day!

"Keep dreaming, but don't ever forget to reach your dream!" - @ViDarmalim

Monday 13 October 2014

I don't care about anything else except loving you!

People may believe love at the first sight
But I fall in love with him every time I see him
People may say love is blind
But I believe my eyes looked at him,
and so does him
People may say love is crazy
But I guarantee, I am crazier when I am with him

There are million even billion men outside
There are thousands loves spread among this world
There are hundreds people know me longer than him
But there is only him who loves me with his truly heart

I might fall for times
I might hurt for times
I might drop my tears for uncounted times
Heart may be bruised
And now be healed because of his attendance in my life

He may not be perfect
He may not always be a great man
That I can always be proud of
He may not a genius guy
Or even a popular man at school or even the society
But what else I could do?
If my heart has chosen him
Him, the man who stand by me
The man who stay with me in every situations
The man who holds my hand when I'm afraid
The man who hugs me when I need warmth
The man who take care of me when I was ill
The man who loves me, now, and forever

No matter how hard I tried
How long I force myself
To dismiss this feeling away
To disobey him
To not recon what my heart was trying to say
I was totally failed

The more I try,
The more I hurt
I just can't remove this feeling
That I really love him
Like the way he loves me

I am so grateful that I realized 
He has the same feeling as mine
And even deeper than mine
No matter how many times I asked him to go away from my life
No matter how many times I've hurt him
No matter how many times his tears drops because of me
He never stops loving me

I realized that I could get any further from him
I realized that he is so serious with everything he said
I don't know what I can do to pay back what he has done for me
For everything he sacrifices for me
I just can love him more than I can say
Because this feeling can't hold on anymore

And every nights I spent
Are the best dream ever
We keeps on imagining how our future will be
That I never think so far there
But with him, everything seems real

And each morning I gets up
Are the best beginning of life ever
I never stop fall in love again and again with him
Because the love he gives to me will never stop
And show that love is true 

He is just more than enough for me
To be the helper in every problems I have
To cherish me in every situations
To wipe my tears when I am crying
He is my eyes, to see our future
He is my ears, to hear our children' laughter
He is my hands, to hold our children hands
He is my legs, to stand proudly when we are one
I just love him, more than anything else.

I am totally in love with you, my dear
I am totally afraid of losing you, my boy
I want you to be here, my darling
I want you to promise me, my only one
To always be mine, forever.
Because you are the only thing I need
Thank heaven to send an angel to take care of me like him

"You may fall in love in a different way, or in a different period. But when you really fall in love with the one you really love, they don't ask how faithful you'll be, but you will automatically be faithful and be loyal to them." - @ViDarmalim

Pantai Sejuta Kenangan

Angin berhembus kencang menemani malam
Awan biru kini berubah menjadi kelam
Kini yang tersisa hanyalah
Suara ombak yang deras
Dan bulan bulat temani malam gelap

Aku memandang kearah laut
Tak henti hentinya aku memandanginya
Ku ratapinya seorang diri
Tanpa ada lagi  yang menemani

Seketika aku teringat
Pancaran bayangan wajahnya
Tat kala ia bersamaku
Yang selalu setia menemani hari-hari dan detik-detikku

Oh Tuhan
Mengapa begitu cepat kau ambil dia?
Dirinya yang aku cinta dan aku sayang
Mengapa tak kau biarkan kami memadu kasih ini
Sedikit lebih lama lagi

Di pantai lepas laut indah ini
Aku mengenang dirinya
Dan sejak malam ini sampai selamanya
Kan selalu ku kenang dirinya