Thursday 16 April 2015


Hey guys! It's been a long time for me not to post anything else since I was busy to prepare my National Exams and it had just finished yesterday! You know, since the second I finished the test, I can feel freedom. Yeah I smell freedom! lol
It is great to know I had finished my life in the senior high school, but I'm gonna miss them! What I mean here is not the school or studying, especially the test and tasks. I mean, I'm gonna miss my friends, crazy, silly, annoying, and caring one :') I'm gonna miss them, especially the silly teachers who makes my life at school doesn't feel so flat. 
In three years school, I have been in two different schools, with different teachers and different friends, different place, different experiences, and of course, different memories. Each of them taught me something, I have to be myself. Let me do what I like to do, and let me try what I never do. You know, I feel great to have best friends and close friends in every place I am. And now, I am so pleased that I have some boys and some girls who really know me. It is better than having lots of friends who don't know me and judging me, or stabbed me from the back.
My life in this third  graders are full with boys, I guessed. I sit surrounded with boys and I  don't get any problem with it. They are very welcome, and they even share things and talk much to me. We sometimes talk too much and laugh too much, until the teachers usually get mad of us, and I'm enjoying that. We laugh because of my silliness, or theirs, But they mostly making jokes with me, because I sometimes don't understand what they are talking and they commonly used slang java, so I don't know it at all. But it is kinda fun. We mostly laugh too loud and feel like the class is ours. We don't care about people's opinions and just ruin the life. This is the most important thing I learned from the boys, just go with our own business and don't care about others. We have our own life, and it is none of our business to go with others'. 
I still remember the last day of school before we have to do the National Exams, it was so fun and for me, it is a cute moment. I was talking with my boyfriend, and his some other friends, But without realizing that, I am the only girl there. I don;t realized it until one of my friends said, "Hey Vi, don't you realized that you are the only girl here, and we, the boys, make a circle with you in the middle of us." and all of us laugh because none of us realized that. It was totally fun!
I will never forget the moment we spend together! Will miss you guys!

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