Friday 1 January 2016


[December 31st, 2015] INDONESIA - SURABAYA [19.46pm]

Hi guys! It is such a long time I didn't share anything else on blogs! I am so sorry for that.
2015 was - or maybe still is - a great year! 2015 is the end of my Senior High School's life and the first year and first semester of University's life. I can't say that University's life was so so so great until I wanna spend a long long time there. But I also can't say that University's life was sucks - although some of them was. 

I didn't spend a lot of time to share many things in my life anymore on my blogs this year, because I open this year with a very busy preparations for my national exams. I tried hard, but the results was not really satisfying although I passed all of them. On the other hand, after finishing those kind of things, I was so glad that I could spend time with my friends-my close friends-to some place relaxing for some days. Unfortunately, not all of them could join. I was just so happy that we could create the best memories in this year. It might not be so many memories we have created, but at least we don't stop creating it. I spent another half year for my university's life. In the first day, I was so excited to learn, But in the end of that day I have already felt so tired because I got my first homework jackpot - absolutely not only one. But who knows I could passed them all today. I am getting ready for my second semester while enjoying my holiday! Yippee~~ But the best thing is, university's life gives me the miracle of finding new best friends! Of course not for replacing, but adding more memories. 

I spent my holiday with my family to Bali, which is known as the island of a thousands temple (Pulau Seribu Pura). It was a great holiday there and I was happy that I could have refreshing after a year full of busy days. I won't talk much about my holiday because it is not the point. It is great for me and I am very thankful that God gave me a chance to spend time with my family after a busy days which make us rarely can come and go together, even just for a dinner. 2015 gave me a very great memories for me and my family.

2015 tells me how important a person to be their selves. I found out people become very annoying when it comes to pretend themselves to be someone's else. I hate it when I saw my friends act like they care when actually they are not. But yeah, I am glad that I don't have to be someone's else to satisfy some of my "not so important" friends. It might sound so mean, but who cares? I might seem so critically but that's me~

BY THE WAY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016! Might all of us become more mature and growing! God bless all of us! #00.00 #1stJanuary

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