Saturday 2 February 2019

Tips and Tricks: Housing

Nah, the most important part after you know where you are going to work is finding a house to settle! So here are the important criteria that you need to know, so that you will find house that match your preferences but also fulfilling the requirements.

First of all, make sure that the house or room or studio that you are going to rent will be able to register you to Gemeente! It is important because you should always report where you are living to the local government. 

Secondly, try to ask around to your seniors or friends whether they know places that still can be rented with a cheap price or within your budgets. You can also try to find in facebook groups (and marketplaces) or with the property agencies in The Netherlands. But if you use agency, the chances will be lower since they need proves about your incomes, etc. and usually you will be harder to fulfill the requirements.

Third, think about the transportation costs. If you find a house that is cheaper in monthly payment, but your transportation costs becomes more expensive, you should try to reconsider that. Also, if your company pays for your transportation cost, usually based on the regulation in The Netherlands, it is only being reimbursed up to 22 km (or around €149.09) a month. Try to consider the pros and cons about this.

Lastly, if you are moving out and in, you can rent a van for around €55 per hour, or moving bit by bit by yourself (or with the help of your friends), or if it is close by distance, you can use uber van. Try to find alternatives before deciding.

It is wiser to move before your internship starts, so you can settle down, tidy up your stuffs, go on shopping for some missing stuffs that you might need to complete your staying in the new house. Also, you might need to go on groceries shopping so have some stuffs for at least your breakfast and dinner during your internship period. In addition, moving out and in will be very tiring, so by moving in advance, you can take a rest and explore your new city for a while before you don't have time to do so. 

Tips: Find the furnished housing, so you don't need to spend extra money to buy other furniture and you could allocate the money to somewhere else.

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