Friday 1 February 2019

Tips and Tricks: Internship for Double Degree Students!

If you are taking the Double Degree or Joint Degree program, Internship is one of the most important course for you to do. In order to do well for your internship, it is better to prepare as fast as possible, or in advance. Having preparation means that you also need to think what jobs that you really want to do, what company that you really want to work with, and other considerations.

By starting early, it gives you time to think wisely in choosing and applying. You can really consider what do you want in this internship. In my perspective, what I really search for a company are:
First, the job opportunity in Finance Department. Because I want to pursue my career in the future in Finance, I really want to have more experience in Finance through the internship program. It is not only for the sake of getting more skills and experience that could support my career in Finance, but also to make sure whether working in Finance really suits me through the 6-months experience. In addition, your internship is kind of determining your future path. Career change is not an easy way to do, especially in the perspective of the company, considering your education and experiences. So, think wisely while you still have time.

Second, the long-term working opportunity. Since I decided to have some more years working experience in The Netherlands, I really wish that I could continue working in the company that I will be working during my internship. Finding jobs in the country where you don't speak the language is not as easy as finding jobs in the country you are coming from, you while you can encounter that, you should do so. Especially, since I decided to work after my graduation, I don't want to waste too much time on finding another job opportunities, but continue working right after my graduation.

Third, the skills and experiences that you could learn. In accepting the offers, one of my consideration is whether the job is monotonous or adhoc. If the job is monotonous, means that you will be replaced my technology one day and it means that it is not really prospective for the future career. So I would rather choose the job that consists of more adhoc jobs in their everyday career as well as skills that I could improve and learn for my future.

Before you decide to start applying for jobs, you need to prepare everything and that includes CV and Cover letter, or maybe with your photo! You should start to compose a cover letter that explains about the department of positions that you are aiming. In addition, you could design your CV as attractive as possible so the employer could take a glimpse about yourself.

Nowadays, job applications are being done through online platform, and one of the most influential professional platform that are being used to help the hiring managers and candidates are LinkedIn. It is necessary for you to update all your LinkedIn data and make it updated. Make sure that you add the most accurate and update information about you which will help the hiring manager and yourself to match.

Even though most of the companies will open a lot of job opportunities, it is better for you to try to focus only in one type of jobs. For instance, in my case, I have ever experienced my downfall, where I was so afraid that I could not the job in the appropriate time, so I decided to spend most of my time applying to many many jobs! I knew for sure that I will not be accepted in marketing since I am not a creative person, but I tried to apply to Human Resources, Marketing, Finance and Accounting, and Supply Chain. Literally everything. Until one day, I realized that from those job applications, the companies only respond positively to my applications in Finance and Accounting and Supply Chain. I realized that I should stop wasting my time in the places I am not suitable in, and focus on only certain stuffs. Since that day, I only apply for Finance and Accounting and Supply Chain. So, here I am today.

So, good luck my fellow friends! Sometimes you might not get the easiest path, but I am sure that through all the hardships, the results will pay off. You just need to work harder, smarter, and be more prepare towards all the possibilities that might occur.

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