Thursday 7 February 2019

Tips and Tricks: Registration

After getting the house that you like and you are going to stay, it is time to prepare for the registration of new address. For the registration, what you need are your citizenship number or known as BSN (it consists of nine digits of number), your ID (verblifstitel), your rental contract, and forms that you need to fill the registration form from Gemeente.

First of all, you need to tell the landlord to give you the rental contract as soon as possible, because you can only register during workdays and if you are going to start your internship soon, you'd better register beforehand, so you don't need to take a day off from the company. Of course, bring your rental contract with you.

Secondly, ask your landlord to give you the form that stating they are allowing you living in their house and they will give you the form that you have to fill and also the form that they have filled with the copy of their ID. 

Third, make appointment with the Gemeente. Just google search the gemeente in where you are going to live, and you will find their website, and find how to make the online appointment. It is wiser to make appointment before you come, and fill out the form that mentioning that you are going to register and change address.

Lastly, you need to bring along your BSN and ID together with you during the registration process. Bring your passport just in case they want to check it. 

Pro tips, come earlier before your appointment time because you need to take the waiting numbers in the reception, and if you are lucky enough, you can do the registration earlier! Also, put everything in one file, so you don't need to find here and there and finish the registration faster since everything is in place. 

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