Saturday 31 March 2012

The meaning of best friends for me

When people asked, Who are my best friends
I answered your name
When people asked the meaning of best friends
I described 'bout you
When people asked the meaning of friendship
I explained what we've done together

People said that you're not good for me
They said that you are bad
They said that you give bad influences
They said that you teach me bad things

But whatever they said
Whatever they think
I've trust you
I trust that you won't teach me the wrong one
Even in bad or good conditions

You tell me lots of stories
From the saddest one to the happiest one
You give me advice whenever I need
You give me your time and attentions
You hug me when I'm weak
You are my voices when I couldn't speak
You are eyes when I couldn't see
You lift me up when I couldn't stand
You hold my hand when I'm confused
Whenever I'm in trouble, you are here besides me

Dearest my best friends,
Tell me if I'm wrong
Advice me if I take wrong decisions
Mock me if I get angry to you
Forgive me if I make mistakes
I'll try the best
I'll be the best
For you

Oh God..
Please don't take my best friends away
I can't live far away from them
I need them, their time, their attentions, and their advice
Thanks God for giving me best friends such as them
Thanks for giving me life til today

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