Monday 24 July 2017


This poetry is inspired by the great author, the favorite of mine, Lang Leav.
And I decided to make the continuation part of it because it relates to me, so much.

Lang Leav
"Do you remember our first day? The fog lifted and all around us were trees linking hands, like children playing.
Our first night, when you stood by the door, conflicted, as I sat there with my knees tucked under my chin, and smiling.
Then rainbows arching over and the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen.
How the wind howls as the sea whispers, I miss you.
Come back to me."
and here is the continuation
and all those memories back then
are all I have today
and when I nostalgic back in time,
playing around with time,
where you and me were there,
we were still there -
it makes me realized
that I am getting older,
and I am no more the same
to the point that I dropped a tear
just because I miss the memories.
and I called it nostalgia.

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