Monday 24 July 2017

"Why do you write?"

Many people asked me, "Why do you write?"
I don't write because I like to, I don't write because I love to.
I write because I miss you, and writing about you brings you closer.
I write because writing about you make me recall many things about you.
Your voices, your looks, your smile, and the laughters beneath.

The pen is my strength. It lifts me up when you are not here with me.
The paper is my power. It transfers all the sadness into beautiful memories.
Everytime I scratched words on the paper, my memories about you start to play all over in my head.
I do not have power to stop it, yet I enjoy everything about it.

Our memories might not be the best memories we could have.
Good memories might not always be there, but it is memorable.
Bad memories might not be memorable, but it will always be there and guiding us in the future.

"Why do you write?", people asked again.
Because the writings will be mine forever.
Until I decided to get rid of it, and delete them.
Because my writings will always be there,
even when you are not.

"What makes you keep on writing?", people asked.
"You.", I answered briefly.
Every single of you, is the inspiration for me to write.
Every single of you, is the reason for me to write.
Sometimes I write just because I love you too much
that I could not express it at all,
so that I decided to write.
So whenever I read my writings back,
I will remember that I used to love you that much.
Perhaps I could still love you that much,
when I re-open it again.

"How do you write?", people kept on asking.
Every words and sentences are the reflection of my feelings, heart, and energy.
Those are things that I am willing to sacrifice for you.
But then, I put all of them into writings.
The recipe of every writings I made.
I put a soul in it - I put mine.

And before you asked me, "What do you love to write?",
I will answer it for you.
I love to write everything about us,
not because we have happy endings like others do,
but because our stories are different from the others,
yeah, we got the sad one.

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