Wednesday 4 April 2012

Our Story

I remember the time we chatted
Talking together about lots of things
That had ever happened
Or just happened
We talked about everything
Have laughs and jokes together

I remember..
When you told me stories
About fairy tales
The time when I didn't believe in it

Fairy tales are only lies
They told us something that won't happen
Something that impossible
And don't exist in real life

But when you told me
I love that story much
The story that we made together
With happily ever after as the ending
I'm the queen and you're the king
In an elegant and big castle
With some pets in it

The story might be weird
The story might be funny
The story might be crazy
The story might be shocking

People may think that it weird
People may say that it's crazy
But I love it much
And hope that it will come true

I wonder if you remember that story
The story that we've made
With love story in it
With no tears and lots of jokes
Although it is weird
But everything seems good
If you stay here
Here.. Beside me

Dear my king,
Would you mind to come back to my heart?
While bringing your love and smile
And promise won't go anymore..
Stay here, beside me
In our love castle
And continue the story til we meet the happy endings

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